Dozie Ethelbert
8 min readSep 29, 2022

7 Ways to Increase Your Brand Awareness with Contents

This will keep you selling everyday

content creation
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

‘Content is king’ is an age-long ‘cliché’ which to me is still as relevant as whoever coined it up first used it. However, in recent times, it is quite obvious that to keep dishing out contents that would be in-demand and serve the need and purpose it is aimed at could be a hard nut to crack.

Ask anyone who’s into content development and creation how it is going, then you will find out that there were times they were so blank (happens to me a lot of times). As a content marketer, you will need to keep up with lead magnets, tripwires, main offers, upsells, backend products, and more.

Using content marketing to promote your brands and products cannot be overemphasized, yet it is very difficult to keep the tempo. Content can be used to market personal brands, products, goods, and services, and also content marketing can control the way you think — we all believe who convinced us the most, whether they are right or wrong. Which you can do with content.

The key industry players know how to play this card a lot.

I want to share with you in this post a few strategies which I have learned in increasing brand awareness through content. Some of them I use presently but a few others I am still trying to learn how to apply (but there is this love with sharing; most especially knowledge).

I have crafted these 7 strategies you can use to keep up your brand awareness and even sell more often than ever.

1. Use PLR Contents

PLR means Private Label Rights, find high-quality PLR materials. There are lots of PLR sites to look out for. Some are totally free while some will require a little subscription fee for you to have access to wider content. You can check out to find a material to customize to suit your content or brand needs.

A little tip, do not make use of the content as it is exactly. Make it unique by touching it to lay emphasis on the brand and product you wish to convey.

So here are three ideas of what to do with PLR materials:

Rewrite and make it unique. The whole idea here is that when you’ve tweaked it, it commands more authority as it puts the piece in your “voice.”

Compare and compile multiple pieces from different sources to create something entirely new.

  • Turn text PLR content into a different format, such as a slide-share video. I do this a lot on one of my YouTube channels where I promote health and wellness brands and products.

2. Compile Guest-Contributed Content

I don’t have a good number of guest contributors yet to my blog. But this is one strategy I sure know can change your content journey. More so, when you have compiled most of their contents.

You can reach out to experts in your niche to help you create content, it is a great way to create content fast.

One good thing guest content contributor(s) adds to your business or brand is that you enjoy other people’s credibility (I can imagine what having Neil Patel as my guest contributor could do for my brand).

In an instance where you’re still new in your niche. If you can aim for at least 10 experts to contribute their thoughts or speak about your brands through a content — e-book or even a webinar series, your name will be associated with such experts who are authorities in those niches and have built a fan base already. The automatic impression is that your brand is an authority too.

These steps will further help you compile guest posts into content:

Ask the same question to multiple experts in your niche. An example would be to ask a nutritionist, a personal trainer, a bodybuilder, and a dieting expert the best way to lose 10 pounds fast.

Also ask them different questions. It is best in this case to know all about your brand, and the niche it covers, then you will state the necessary and beneficial questions you would ask them that would help promote your brand.

  • Request to have an interview with them. The idea here would be to ask them how they started in their various niches in an interview manner. Their success strategy and what they would do better if they are to start all over, and probably many more questions as you deem fit. Just list your questions and think wide.

3. Outsource Content Creation

This is the fastest and easiest way to get any content churned out in the shortest possible time. Find and hire a competent freelancer and allow them to do most of the work for you.

A good freelancer can create a multitude of content materials for you. This could be:

• Reports

• Ebooks

• Checklists

• Worksheets

• Swipe files

• Templates

• Cheatsheets

• Mind maps

• Videos

• Audios

• Toolkits

And more.

You should know you would have to do the due diligence to research to find reputable freelancers. A Google search to find freelancers in your locality could be a way to start or better still search freelancing sites such as Fiverr. Personally, I have got some good freelancers who help me which I got through Fiverr. Do a deep search to find competent freelancers. Check other people’s reviews on them and their delivery time.

Once you find the person whose work meets your need, just e-mail the person often with a brief, emphasis on the details, then you can find time to work on other things while your freelancer does the job.

However, I will suggest you have 2 to 3 freelancers you will work with in cases where the others are not available at the time of need.

4. Get Someone to Research and Outline

Maybe you do not wish to leave the responsibility of developing the entire brand content to a freelancer, you can save some money and time by hiring someone who would provide the skeletal frame for you.

And here is what I mean. You might explain to your freelancer(s) what you are looking out to get from them, then he/she will do the research and outline it for you.

Let’s say you need to write content about social media. You might have your freelancer collect research information on how many people use the various social media platforms on which you intend to write about, and the type of audience you’re likely to find on each platform.

Or your content focuses on gardening products. You might hire someone to research the different regions of the country to address pests and diseases that are unique in their regions.

Your Freelancer should provide you with lots of research links so you can see the contents before you build upon them to develop your own.

5. Update Existing Content

Another quick and easy way to create fresh and seemingly new content fast is simply by updating an existing post. There are two ways to do this:

If it’s fairly recent content (such as one created within the last year), then you can update it, expand certain sections, and update it to meet a need in the new year. Maybe there have been system, user, or method improvements.

  • If it’s old content, then you can revise and expand it, and then publish it as a completely new content. You might even put it into a different format, such as turning a text into a video.

6. Do a Webinar

The beauty of doing a webinar is that you get multiple contents which eventually become gem products for the niche you stand for. And this is how it works.

Product 1, the live webinar. Live events are considered premium products, so I often sold the seats to a live webinar at a premium price. Even if it is a free webinar, I can offer a coaching service at the end.

Product 2, the recordings of the webinar. I can use the recordings as an order-form upsell to those who purchase the webinar (or I can offer them as a nice bonus). I can also sell these recordings as a stand-alone product.

Product 3, the webinar transcripts. These too work as good upsells or bonuses for those who attend the webinar itself. I sometimes use these transcripts, in whole or in part, as lead magnets or standalone paid products.

If your webinar covers multiple tips or topics, you can even excerpt out part of the recording and use that as a lead magnet or a tripwire to get prospects interested in purchasing the entire webinar or webinar series.

7. Compile Multiple Existing Pieces

If you’ve been creating content for a long time, then you probably have a lot of content you can work with. These content could be paid products, lead magnets, blog content, newsletters, social media posts, posts you’ve made on forums, guest blog posts, and more.

To create something entirely new in the shortest possible time, all you have to do is to compile multiple existing pieces. You may need to tweak them a little, to have a logical flow in the content, rather than creating the piece from the scratch.

This is likely how to go about it:

Compile multiple blog posts to create a report. You may need to create transitions and introductions between posts to make them read more smoothly. Alternatively, let readers know this is a compilation of your best posts.

Compile multiple reports and articles to create an e-book. Again, you’ll need to create transitions, but it’s faster than writing it all from scratch.

Turn a digital product (such as an e-book) into a physical product. This increases the perceived value of the product, even if you don’t otherwise add value.

Transform a text product into a video product (or vice versa). This is another way to increase the perceived value of a product.

  • Turn your content into examples or swipe files. This strategy is aimed at those of you who are creating and selling marketing-related information. For example, you might compile your best and most high-response blog posts, social media posts, Facebook ads, sales letters, lead generators, and more to show other marketers how to create content that engages prospects and gets them hitting the order button.


If you understand this story well enough, you would realize it intends to show you how you can bridge the gap that makes you break in creating your digital offers and products. However, you might not have thought of your contents as products. But, it really is.

It is your content that will push your loyal follower to take action as to making a purchasing decision, sticking with you, or out rightly believing in your brand.

It would be quite unfortunate when you stop competing because of other schedules or a ‘bloc’, and the solutions have been provided to help you keep your brand up and new.

Note: There is an Affiliate link in this story and purchasing from them would mean I would earn and affiliate commission at no additional cost to you.

Dozie Ethelbert

Founder and vast content creator with years of experience. Follow me on IG @dozie_ethelbert.